Education and lifelong learning


Book clubs are a very popular pursuit in Finland and the writers’ associations are important organizers. The book clubs gather in libraries, homes and some of them even on the net. Book clubs are informal; either everyone reads a predetermined book by a given writer and then discuss the text or one of the members presents a work of particular interest to the other members. The book clubs can invite guest lecturers and authors to their gatherings.


Book clubs are the main form of lifelong learning for the writers’ associations. Finland has done well in international reading skill comparisons. Recently, a South Korean film team documented a Nimikot book club evening as a demonstration of a well-organized model for encouraging adults' reading pursuits. Promotion of Finish language learning among immigrants will be done with the help of book clubs specifically directed at these communities. In these clubs, participants read Finnish newspapers and discuss in Finnish.


The Sello library in Espoo has one of Europe's few reading dogs. Börje the dog helps and encourages by attentively listening to children and young people who have reading difficulties.